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Dynamics of Structures by Anil K.Chopra

The study of dynamics of structures excited by ground shaking has now been incorporated into the graduate curriculum at many universities, and even in the undergraduate program at some universities. Excellent textbooks are available to a student of this subject. The formal, detailed treatment of the subject in textbooks
draws upon courses in mathematics, mechanics, and static structural analysis that are standard in university curricula.
Dynamics of Structures by Anil K.Chopra

For those who wish to study the subject in depth, there are no shortcuts. The only way to master the subject is to study the textbook material and practice its application to example problems, over a period of several months. However. the available textbooks may be overwhelming for the reader who is interested only in the fundamentals of the dynamics of structures excited by ground shaking and does not have the time or need for a formal, detailed treatment and comprehensive coverage of the subject.

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