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Book: Dictionary of Building & Civil Engineering

Book: Dictionary of Building & Civil Engineering
This dictionary contains some 14,000 English terms together with their German, French, Dutch and Russian equivalents, which are used in the main branches of civil engineering and relate to the basic principles of structural design and calculations (the elasticity theory, strength of materials, soil mechanics and other allied technical disciplines); to buildings and installations, structures and their parts, building materials and prefabrications, civil engineering technology and practice, building and road construction machines, construction site equipment, housing equipment and fittings (including modern systems of air conditioning); as well as to hydro technical and irrigation constructions.

The Dictionary also includes a limited number of basic technical expressions and terms relating to allied disciplines such as architecture and town planning, as well as airfield, railway and underground construction. The Dictionary does not list trade names of building materials, parts and machines or the names of chemical compounds. Nor does it give adverbial, adjective or verbal terms.


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